A malt extract market European leader
DIFAL team, respectful for nature and tradition, will always carefully study and answer your requests:
- the advice of an attentive and reactive partner,
- DIFAL’s products are 100 % pure barley, OGM free,
- We also provide sorghum extract, gluten free.
As more we knew about malt extract qualities, as more it has been used in different fields of activity.
Being a fast growing company, we wanted the best technologies to supply high quality products and are now a European leader.
From barley to malt extract
The process to convert barley in malt extract is difficult. Therefore specific equipments, high technology and well trained staff are required.

Only in very good conditions will the germ of the grain produce the enzymes that will release starch and convert it in soluble sugars.
During this treatment, the starch is converted to maltose and allows it to obtain, after filtration, a product of honey consistency containing, in addition to maltose, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
The three main steps of this natural transformation process are:
These extracts of malt are high qualities as it is extracted from pure malt barley.

A new product: the sorghum extract
DIFAL already a European leader in the market for malt extract, today expands its range with the extracts of sorghum.
The transformation of sorghum extract is similar to the above operations.